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Hiding Resources

Resources can be hidden from some or all users via a variety of means.

Resource Visibility Options

Hiding Resources from Non-Site Members

If your site is not completely private and/or is a member of any publicly accessible portals, then your resources could be viewed and searched for by anybody, regardless of their membership status to your site.

In order to hide specific resources from non-site members, visit the Visibility tab under Properties when editing your resource and set the Resource is Publicly Visible option to No.

Hiding Resources from Specific Site Members

Resources can be hidden from specific site members by using the reservation restrictions options. Reservations can be disabled for members by restricting user groups and training requirements.

Once a user or group of users are no longer able to reserve a resource, you can remove visibility for that resource by visiting the Visibility tab under Properties and setting the Resource Hidden to Users Who Cannot Reserve option to Yes.