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Data Hierarchy

QReserve represents resources, physical locations, and people in a hierarchy that allows for a wide range of deployment options depending on the size, operating structure, and management requirements of your organization. We will work with you during the scoping phase of your project to determine the best fit for you.

User Accounts

All QReserve users have a global profile that they have control over to set information like their name, contact information, image, and account settings. When a user joins a site, an additional layer of site-level information is attached to that user and will contain data such as user group membership, site-level user properties, permissions, and stored payment information.

A user can be a member of multiple sites where their global profile data is shared while all site-level data is scoped uniquely to each site.

A user can also be a member of a portal to give them the ability to search for resources across sites in that portal but not automatically giving them membership status in sites.


Users and resources all live within a site and for the majority of clients, all of their QReserve activities will take place within a single site. Your day-to-day activities in QReserve will take place within one or more site and these often correspond to physical locations, organization departments, or functionally separate activities.

Site Users

Site Administrators

A site administrator is able to manage the resources and users within that site.

Site Members

A site member is able to view and access resources within that site with constraints applied within that site through user group, credential, or other access restriction controls. Additional permissions may be granted to users to give them partial administrative capabilities.


Resources live within a site and can be grouped within display categories that support folders of up to 4 levels deep. Resources can also have different access and visibility rules to decide who can see a resource and who can book or request a resource.

Typically a resource will be something that can be reserved, loaned out, requested, or signed-up for. Examples include equipment, meeting rooms, services, and events.


For larger organizations with multiple physical locations, organizational units, or distinct functional requirements, multiple sites can be grouped within a portal.

QReserve Data Hierarchy

Portal Users

Portal Administrators

A portal administrator is able to view all sites within a portal, view and run reports across sites, and inject themselves as administrators into any of the portal sites to become a site administrator. A portal administrator is often thought of as a super administrator because they have the ability to perform administrative functions across all sites within a portal.

Portal Members

A portal member is not an automatic member of all portal sites but instead has the capability to search across portal sites if those sites have set up their resources to be searchable.

Portal Modules


A credential can be defined at the portal level and then be made available to all portal sites for use in resource access restrictions.

Spending Accounts

You can manage user spending accounts at the portal level to be shared across all sites within that portal.


Site level properties can be defined at the portal level to be made available across all sites automatically.


Custom reports can be developed for you at the portal level that pull data in from all member sites to create high-level, top-down analyses at the click of a button.