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Common Questions

Preventing users from editing or deleting reservations

Reservations are can be edited by users within the Reservation Editing Window setting and is turned off by default to allow editing or deletion at any time. When enabled you can set the editing window to be a period of time before the start of or after the end of a reservation. For example, a common practice is to disable editing at the end of a reservation. Administrators and moderators will always have permission to edit or delete reservations regardless of this setting.

The Reservation Editing Window is a per resource setting and thus must be set one-by-one or all at once via the Multi-Edit tool on your Resources page in Administration.

Editing Window Example

Collecting information from users

You can create custom properties for your users on your Site Settings page and, optionally, mark that property as required in order for users to access resources in your site.

Site User Properties Site User Required Property

Testing how my site looks to different users

Testing how different users will perceive your site and determining whether access restrictions are working as intended can be done through the creation of Test Users that function as normal users but can be logged in with by any administrator or moderator in your site. Configure a test user with user groups and credentials to easily understand how similar users will access your site without the need to use additional email addresses and accounts.